Valentines Eve Speed Dating with a Twist, 30-45

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Celebrate V-Day one night early, with a new, fun version of Speed Dating for ages 30-45! Dress to impress, including something red! Thursday, Feb 13, 2025, 7-9pm.

DISCOUNT TICKETS: $30/early birds or $45/regular price.

Our unique speed dating event breaks the ice with exciting conversation starters. We are adding extra spark to the speed dating to help you connect on a deeper level. SPOTS ARE LIMITED.

Ready to step outside your comfort zone and find love with a twist? Join us for an unforgettable speed dating experience!


6:45 – 7:00 Registration
7:00 – 7:15 Speed Dating Introduction
7:15 – 9:00 Speed Dating

LOCATION: Tam Commons, Private Upstairs Hall, 1300 Fourth Street, Downtown San Rafael CA. Free street parking and also free parking at giant parking lots nearby after 6pm! We request that everyone purchase a drink, so this great venue asks us back!

CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, Singles Bay Area, and many other singles organizations and meetups! All events benefit The Seva Foundation, to restore sight to the blind.

DISCOUNTS and more parties at www.thepartyhotlineDry January Party, Jan 19, Walnut Creek


VIDEO from our recent New Years Eve Bash.