Celebrate America’s birthday on the Eve of July Fourth! Most singles do NOT go away on holiday weekends and Monday is a holiday, so expect a great turnout! TICKETS are available for $20/door, which includes dancing to your favorite hits, with DJ Mike, in a large, popular nightclub. Dress to impress. Try to wear a little bit of red, white and blue, if possible. Adults of all ages welcome. Sunday, July 3, 2022, 8pm-Midnight.
LOCATION: Charley’s, 15 N Santa Cruz Avenue, Downtown Los Gatos CA 95030. Free parking!
CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; Bay Area Singles Events & Travel; and by many other singles organizations and meetups. All events benefit The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind.
PROOF OF FULL VACCINATION REQUIRED. Your safety is always our FIRST priority!