Meet new single friends, ages 26-42, five minutes at a time at an upscale Silicon Valley hotel! Dressy casual attire. Friday, April 29, 2022, 7-9pm. Please note: We also have a speed dating party for ages 42-58 on Friday, April 8.
TICKETS: $25/advance (by April 28) or $30/door.
EARLY-BIRD DISCOUNT TICKETS (for women only) $10 until they run out.
LOCATION: Domain Hotel, 1085 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale CA 94087. Free parking!
SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; and by many other singles organizations and meetups. All events benefit The Seva Foundation,, to restore sight to the blind.
PROOF OF FULL VACCINATION REQUIRED. Your safety is always our FIRST priority!